Super Mario Maker: Players try to play all the extra levels before they close

1 min read

Team 0% is a group of passionate gamers Super Mario Producer For WiiU a person who is absolutely devoted to a particular enterprise: play all extra levelsbefore the console’s online services shut down and become inaccessible.

By the way, the fatal moment for Wii U online will be April 8, 2024. Considering there are only 3,324 levels left to clear as of January 26th, Team 0%’s goal certainly seems doable. According to their predictions, they will be able to play them all by February 23.

New levels?

There are lots of extra levels to play in Super Mario Maker

Right now Nintendo’s Super Mario Maker has blocked the uploading of new content for its online users (since 2020, in fact), so Team 0% isn’t at risk of finding itself with new levels to play along the way. Of course, all pre-installed ones can be downloaded and played until the servers go down.

Team 0% progress is updated both on the official Discord channel and via an account dedicated to x, where there is also a countdown for server closures. Will our heroes succeed?

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