Palworld: Japanese VIPs ordered not to mention game to avoid risk

2 min read

According to a report from Tokyo Sports translated into English by VGC, japanese celebrities They took the advice of their agents Avoid mentioning Palworld publicly or on social media to avoid any criticism of The Pokémon Company.

“We told our talents not to mention Palworld on social media or in public,” the source said. “This was done with consideration from the Pokémon side as an agency. This decision was made considering possible future collaborations“.

Therefore, as a pre-emptive move, it seems that everything originates directly from Japanese agencies. Not so much a request from The Pokémon Company.

What did the Pokémon Company say about Palworld?

In January, The Pokémon Company broke its silence about Palworld and said it was launching an investigation. verify the violation is within the scope of intellectual property rights.

“We have not given permission for Pokemon to use any of its intellectual property or assets in this game,” he said. “We plan to investigate and take appropriate precautions Addressing any actions that infringe intellectual property rights related to Pokémon.”

“We will continue Protect and evolve each Pokémon and its world, and in the future we will work to unite the world through Pokémon.”

In the meantime, we wondered whether Palworld was legal and explained what could happen.

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