Monster Hunter: A poll asks fans to choose the best monster in the series

2 min read

monster hunter It will celebrate its twentieth anniversary next year, and on this occasion Capcom definitely has various events going on (and who knows, maybe even a new game in the series) and definitely wants to hear from fans what they want. favorite monster through questionnaire.

If you are interested, you can indicate your preference at: this address. The only requirement to vote is to have or create a Capcom ID instantly. Voting can be done until December 20, 2023.

All participants they will get a free wallpaper Depicting all the monsters in the Monster Hunter series. Additionally, the three monsters with the most votes will be the heroes of a special illustration created by the development team.

It’s a tough choice

For long-time Monster Hunter players, this will probably be a difficult task because we’re talking about making a good choice. 229 monstersBoth large and small ones populate the hunting grounds.

Frankly, there are already clear ones favorites Including off in this little competition represented by creatures that appear with great frequency in the series, such as Nargacuga, Zinogre, Teostra, Brachydios, Rajang, Deviljho, Tigrex, Diablos and Rathalos (the only creature that appears in every game, spin-off) to name just a few.

Let us know in the comments what your favorite monster is.

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