Lords of the Fallen Review: The first one is better

4 min read

Versione PC

The first one was better. This sentence may be enough to express the great disappointment we feel in trying something new. Lords of the FallenIt is a title that has been talked about a lot in the past and has resurfaced today, 10 years later, in a completely new guise. Developed by hexworks and published by CI Games, Lords of the Fallen is a spirit-like third-person RPG that explores its history. Caped Crusadera mighty warrior guided by his strength Torchface the evil god Adir. Here is our review, enjoy reading!

painful rivalry

There challenge And competition they are the spark of healing, a beacon of hope for growth and development: comparison with other realities, often far removed from our original matrix, is necessary and if handled with the right attention, can lead to great improvement. But this time Lords of the Fallen it handled the competition the wrong way, discarding everything good it had created in the first episode and leaving room for the rules of the rules. RPG style dark souls.

Passion and love have been replaced by cold game mechanics Everything seems to lack soul and care, despite the positive points perceived in the past, which we will analyze later. The 2014 game was unique because it was different from others; The environments were vibrant and our imagination lived with them, lost among haunted castles and ornate squares. But now they only survive there amazing graphics, Statistics Hey huge bosses. Is this really the right direction to go?

A lantern for a friend

Lords of the Fallen It tries to innovate by offering TorchA magical object that manages to give a second life to the dead and allows our character to enter the dimension umbrellaA parallel world haunted by the souls of the damned. Switching between these dimensions is both an interesting game mechanic anddiscovery (in one dimension you can pass through impenetrable areas or see invisible things) fight (Some enemies can be weakened by his power Torch).

Dimension umbrella It is not a nice place to live: the longer we stay in this world, the more enemies who are disturbed by our existence will come to attack us. Finally, Lantern allows you to connect with Vestiges (bonfires dark soulsacting like checkpoints. With the dimensional shift, we will find ourselves faced with completely transformed landscapes, all in one.high graphics quality. Iadjustmentthe mostly dark and vertical ones are nice to look at but less satisfying to explore.


Fighting is annoying

Speaking of exploration, one of the game’s biggest problems movement: clunky, slow, and distracting are perfect adjectives to describe it. Difficult to navigate through various playgroundsespecially in narrow spaces or in connection with a cliff. Room, Later, he is the player’s worst enemyit is uncontrollable and subject to constant interference and visual obstructions. Ironically, It’s easier to die falling off a ledge than dying in a boss fight.

And here we are at today’s third downside: fight. animations without a thousand years’ delay, answerability reduced to minimum conditions enemiesGraphically it is beautiful but gameplay-wise it is poorly structured, making it a real nightmare even for those who love combat. Trial & Error. The worst part about this problem is that deaths in war are often due to a single mistake, not human error. serious deficiency on the technical sideThis raises the frustration bar to the maximum.


A few statistics, well done!

We grew up in a world full of statistics, scores and twinkling lights, Lords of the Fallen It takes a step back to make room for simplicity and intuitiveness. All weapons and equipment are based on a few parameters such as power, which are very simple to understand. Physical or damage Fire, Magical And’Fading (darkness). Simplifying the menus and stats expands the playing field, making the game more playable for those less accustomed to it. target group.

on the subjectoptimization, the game is unstable even on high-end PCs, making it necessary to lower the graphics parameters. Other points worth noting are definitely historysimple but fascinating and movie soundtrack epic created byBudapest orchestra and by American composer Cris Velasco.


All in all, Lords of the Fallen is an average soulmate that’s true to the modern-day conventions of the genre, but with a few dashes of innovation. The mechanics, breathtaking scenery and story of the Lantern and the Umbral dimension are intriguing. But unfortunately, unlike the original game, Lords of the Fallen lacks heart and soul, making it difficult for the player to become immersed and passionate about it. Moreover, movements such as fights are cumbersome. If you are looking for perfection, Hand Ring It may be a choice for you.

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