Destiny 2: Active player count on Steam has dropped significantly, it’s never been lower

2 min read

Destiny 2 Open Steam reached lowest number of active players It has never been recorded by Bungie’s MMO since the release of the PC version. This is almost a paradox, considering that the peak was reached only a few months ago, with the release of the Eclipse expansion.

According to data provided by SteamDB, a significant portion of players have stopped playing Destiny 2 in recent months. For example, the average number of concurrent users over the last 30 days was just under 35,000. Maximum peak at 59,000 players. Both are the lowest results recorded since its launch on Steam.

Destiny 2 numbers on Steam in recent months – Source: Forbes

However, some clarifications need to be made. First of all, November has historically always been a month tired period It coincides with the end of the mid-year season for Destiny 2. Plus, we’re talking about a game that’s been on the market for six years, so a physiological decline is likely. Moreover, we are only talking about Steam numbers, so we don’t know the trend on Xbox and PlayStation, although they are largely similar.

Worrying signs for Destiny 2’s future?

Destiny 2 Ultimate Form 5

But as Forbes’ Paul Tassi, known for his passion and knowledge of Bungie’s MMO, points out, those numbers are on the rise alarm bells. The journalist explains that although November is actually the least exciting time for Destiny 2 players, the number of players has never been lower in recent years.

Moreover, this negative peak paradoxically comes only eight months after the release of the Eclipse expansion. Absolute record of 316,000 contemporary players in the early days of launch. This means that Destiny 2 is still capable of attracting large numbers of users, but subsequent DLC and content have failed in their task of providing compelling reasons to stay on the game’s servers.

This could potentially harm the future of the MMO, at least given the low number of in-game purchases and pre-orders for the expansion coming in 2024, which will lead to the company generating revenue 45% below forecasts, according to Bloomberg. resources.

With these bases, Bungie may have great difficulty generating great expectations for The Ultimate Forme, the expansion that will represent the grand finale of the story that Destiny started in 2014, especially if rumors mentioning a multi-month delay are confirmed. Fortunately, it looks like it was rejected by the studio.

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